

Simple yoga poses for beginners

When a person tries to begin with something new that can be challenging, the initial excitement and adrenaline rush that goes to a whole new level is more than enough to keep a person hooked to the task. Being a beginner to start a yoga practice is easy, as your beginner yoga class is enough to make you hook to your yoga class. There is something in Yoga that makes people opt for it even without any second thought. One can never leave the mat feeling sad; this ancient practice has the power to uplift your mood instantly. The best thing about Yoga is that once they start, there is no going back. This ancient practice of wisdom, rooted in India, solely focused on creating strength, balance, and flexibility. Yoga induces mindfulness so that you will pay attention to your alignment and how you feel in your body. Here are some basic yoga poses for beginners that bring out that power and energy in you to start with your yoga practice.

Yoga classes for beginners in Rishikesh

If you start with Yoga, start with some basic yet intriguing Yoga poses. Let us tell you that it is a simple task. All you need a discipline and a set intention. You can begin with somewhat easy and quick Yoga poses to get you in synchronization with Yoga. Consider it as the learning phase and then move towards the intensive Yoga poses when ready.

1. Uttanasana: Stand tall in Tadasana and put your hands on your hips. Now exhale and bend forward over your legs from your hips. If you feel a little tight on your hamstring, then bend your knees a little but keep your head hanging so that you can be able to release your spine. Slowly straighten your legs only if you can, but keep your head hanging from your neck. Stay in this pose for at least 30 seconds, then release gently. .

The best things about this yoga pose are that it allows you to work on your hamstrings and calves. It strengthens your knees as well as thighs

2. Lunge Pose: Start from a downward dog pose, and then, with a deep exhale, step your right foot forward between your palms for a deep lunge. Take a deep breath and reach your arm upwards with your head and chest high. Hold this yoga pose for at least Four to five breaths and then release and repeat this yoga pose with another foot.

It is the best form of Yoga to work on your thighs if you want to get rid of the fat from your upper thighs and build some lean muscles. This type of Yoga strengthens and stretches your quadriceps and glutes hence improves your balance and core. It opens your chest and lungs.

3. Trikonasana: Stand straight and now spread your legs wide apart according to your comfort. Now stretch your right foot outwards at 90 degrees and keep your legs near your torso. Make sure to balance your weight equally on both feet and keep your feet pressed to the ground. Now take a deep breath in, and while you exhaling, bend your right arm and touch your right feet as you lift your left arm up. Keep your waist straight and don’t hunch forward or backward. Stay in this pose for at least five breaths and repeat it with your left leg.

It is another form of Yoga for beginners that allow you to stretch your leg and torso, groins, hamstring, and calves. It reduces stress, anxiety, and back pain. It strengthens your legs, arm, chest, ankles, and knees. It stretches your abdominal muscles hence improve digestion.

4. Tadasana: Stands straight with your heels slightly apart, and now keeping your quadriceps engaged, draw them upwards and spread your toes. Now balance your weight your feet, and as you breathe in elongate your torso and while exhaling release your shoulder blades away from your head. Stay in this yoga pose for at least five breaths and then release.

Yes, many people think that it is the easiest, but it is anything but easy as there is a lot of going on while you stay in this position. If you are a beginner, then you have to work on your toes to maintain a proper balance. Your legs muscles will be engaged, and the whole inhalation and exhalation of this yoga pose are remarkable in terms of lung activity.