Best Yoga Poses for Diabetes Patient

Best Yoga Poses for Diabetes Patient to Control Diabetes

Posted On : 24 January 2018.

Posted By : Yogi Mahesh Chetan.

Diabetes is a disease that specifically results from the lack of physical exercise and bad dietary habits, and the stress act as an aggravate into this ailment. Many people, including young and old, have diabetes and are suffering from complications. It is a complex medical condition that results in various imbalances in the body; that is why it is called the mother of all diseases.

However, Yoga is a very popular form of exercise that has immense benefits. Yoga includes various deep breathing exercises and yoga postures that lower down your blood pressure and stimulates your pancreas. It increases the blood circulation to the pancreas, which helps in improving its capacity to produce insulin. Hence it controls the level of glucose in the blood but also controls its complications that can occur to the body due to diabetes.

Here are some of the best yoga poses for diabetes:

Paschimottasana (Forward seated bending Posture)

Sit on your yoga mat with your legs stretched outward in front of your body. Now Inhale and draw your spine upward and stretch your arms towards the ceiling and while exhaling bend forward from your hip joints. Now stretch your arms forward as far as possible till your toes and rest your head on the legs. Try to hold this pose for at least 30 seconds then release from the pose. Paschimottasana helps to improve the functionality of the pancreas, kidneys, and the liver.

Kapalbhati (pranayama)

Sit comfortably in the Sukhasana with your spine erect and place your hands on the knees. Now take a deep breath in, and while you exhale, try to pull your navel and stomach back towards your spine. Feel the contraction of your stomach and abdominal muscle. At least try to take 20 such powerful breath in one round. After this, relax and feel the sensation in your body.

This yoga pose involves powerful breathing exercises that will help you to get rid of blockages present in the arteries and also help in releasing mucus. It is suggested that pranayama should be practiced for at least 30 minutes. While practicing pranayama, the lungs exert pressure that helps in getting rid of the toxins.

Yoga Mudrasana (The symbol of Yoga)

Sit in the padmasana and close your eyes and breathe. Now take your hands behind your back and try to hold your right wrist with your left hand and bend forward slowly while exhaling. Try to touch the floor with your forehead or nose. Try to go as far as possible and relax your body and then return to the normal position.

While doing this yoga pose, the pressure is exerted on the pancreas and stomach hence improves its functioning.

Locust pose:

Lie down on your yoga mat on your stomach, keeping your hand beside you. Bring your hands under your legs for support. Take a deep breath in and lift your both legs up as per your capacity; try not to bend your knees. Maintain this pose according to your comfort and then release slowly.

This yoga pose, combined with other Yoga poses help to tone up the pancreas and liver. It improves digestion and helps in combating acidity.

Ardha Matsyendrasna (Spine twist pose):

Ardha Matsyendrasana is a seated twisted yoga pose of Hatha Yoga. It is an intensive yoga pose that should be practiced under certified yoga teachers. If done in the correct way, it is an excellent yoga pose to recover the pancreas. It provides lateral rotation of the spine hence strengthen the spine and also improves digestion.

Savasana (corpse pose)

Lie down on the yoga mat flat with your arms resting beside you and palm facing upward. Now close your eyes and relax your body breathe deeply via your nostrils and exhale from your mouth. Feel the flow of prana throughout your body.

This yoga pose is practiced at the end of the yoga session for deep relaxation. Corpse pose is an excellent yoga pose for regulating metabolic diseases and diabetes. Practicing these yoga poses for diabetes effectively manages your diabetes, thus help to live a healthy life.