

Yoga Asanas That Will Help Increase Your Height

Five Simple Yoga Asanas That Will Help Increase Your Height

A good height not only adds a remarkable persona in your life but is also linked to higher IQ, a study states. When we go out in public, tall people are easily noticeable and appealing and related to a more positive outlook towards life. Although human height depends a lot on genetics, nutrition and exercise play a highly significant role in determining your height. However, you might be surprised that yoga is beneficial for increasing height. Yoga is an ancient science practised since time immemorial for holistic wellness. Unlike the typical mindset that growing your height in adulthood is not possible, yoga gives you a chance to grow some extra inches to your height and boost confidence.

Yoga helps you to get those extra inches by stretching your back muscles and improving your posture. Practising it daily also reduces the stress and tension from your back and shoulder muscles, which helps you to appear taller naturally. So here are some of the best yoga poses to increase your height and boost your personality.

Yoga Poses To Increase Height

1. Sukhasana: Sukhasana is one of the most accessible yoga poses, also known as the pleasant pose, suitable for people of every age group. This is one of the basic vinyasa yoga poses, which is best practicable in the morning. One can also be considered as a meditative pose. If you are practising other yoga poses, then make sure to keep your stomach empty.

Sukhasana is the best yoga pose that stretches your knees and keeps your back strong. Considered a meditative pose, it induces calmness and peace in your mind and body. It helps you elongate your spine, improving the alignment of the body.

2. Marjariasana: Come in the tabletop position with your arm beneath your shoulder and knees under your hips. Now inhale, and while inhaling, arch your back down and look up towards the ceiling. Stay in this pose for at least 30 seconds. Now exhale, and while exhaling, lower your gaze towards your belly and arch your back up. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then release from the pose.

Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then release from the pose.

Cat cow pose is an excellent yoga pose to increase your height as it relieves every tension from the back, abdomen and buttocks.

3. Tadasana: Stand straight on the mat with your legs, waist, and head in a straight line, keeping your feet together and hands hanging beside you.

Now inhale, and raise your arms upwards parallel with each other while inhaling. Now, slowly lift your heels and try to balance on your toes. Now stretch your body upwards as per your capacity, keeping your arms and legs straight. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then release gently

Tadasana is the best yoga pose to improve your posture and strengthen your legs. It lengthens your spine; if you have flat feet, it is the best yoga pose. It increases blood circulation, enhances digestion, and, most importantly, improves balance and posture.

4. Shirshasana: Sit comfortably on your knees and bring your elbow to the ground beneath your shoulder. Keep your elbows there, move your hands close and interlock your finger to form a triangle. Place your head on the ground and cup the back of the head with your hands. Now, curl your toes and straighten your knees and hips towards the ceiling. Slowly and steadily shift your weight on your head and arms, balance your body, and carefully lift your one and then other feet off the ground and maintain the balance. Now, slowly raise your legs upwards, keeping your body straight. Hold this yoga pose according to your comfort.

The headstand is a widely used yoga pose to increase height as it improves the functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary glands, hence ensuring better functioning of endocrine glands.

5. Trikonasana: Stand straight, keeping your feet wide apart. Now turn your right foot outside at a 90-degree angle and inhale, and while exhaling, bend your body towards the right side, touch your right toe with the right hand and take your left hand upwards. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds and repeat this on your left side. Ensure not to hunch backwards or forward, and keep your feet firm on the ground.

Trikonasana is an effective yoga pose to strengthen your arms, legs, and chest muscles. It is a highly beneficial yoga pose for our knees and ankles. It also stretches our calves and hamstring muscles and improves the spine's alignment. So, these are the significant poses followed to increase the height or get the hormones working. If you are above 25, it might not work amazingly, but a few inches can be gained.

So, these are the major poses that are followed in order to increase the height or get the hormones working. If you are above 25 then it might not work that amazingly but a few inches can be gained.