

yoga posture to keep you refreshed on travels

5 Yoga Postures to Keep you refreshed on Travels

Yoga Poses When you Travel

Thanks to technological advancement and convenience, the world has become smaller, and we can travel from one corner to another. People can now travel more conveniently, whether as a part of a family vacation or a part of their work agreement. Vacation gives people to take time off from their regular hectic lifestyle and rejuvenate themselves. However, travelling can take a toll on your mind and body and taking long flights indeed becomes gruelling for the body.

Travelling for an extended period, you can experience neck and back pain, and your posture can be affected badly. That is why one should practice yoga so that one can enjoy your vacation as well as reenergize yourself to enjoy every single moment of your vacation. The beauty of the yoga is that it is the practice one can take with them anywhere. It is a profound practice and knowledge, and once you learn, something will last with you forever.

Here are some of the awesome yoga poses to help you to keep your body healthy during travels.

1. Tree pose

Tree Poss

Tree pose is one of the most basic yet popular yoga poses. To begin with this pose, stand in the tadasana, bend your right knee, and place it as high on your left leg as you are comfortable balancing. Shift the whole body weight on the left leg and shift your gaze in front of you. Stretch your arms above your head in the Namaste position. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds, and then repeat this with your other leg.

Long commutes can bring stiffness to your back. This pose stretches the back and strengthens the backsides of the body, hips and ankles. The tree pose also improves your balance, so after a long journey, it is an outstanding yoga pose to regain balance in the body.

2. Headstand

Head Stand

This is an advanced yoga pose that should be learned under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher or you can enroll under a good yoga TTC in India program. However, known as the king of all yogasana has some amazing benefits to the body. This inversion yoga poses to calm the entire nervous system by directing the flow of blood towards the head and the face. Apart from that, it is also beneficial for the hormonal system.

3. Standing Forward fold

Forword bend poss

This is one of the most rejuvenating yoga poses as this stretches your entire lower body. To begin with, this yoga pose stands straight keeping your spine erect and take a deep inhale. Exhale and as you exhale bend your upper torso from your hips and try to touch your ankle or let your head hanging. Hold this yoga pose for at least 30 seconds and then release from the pose.

A forward bend is an amazing yoga poses to relieve stress from the spine by stretching out the lower back and hamstring. The added caveat of the forward fold is that it increases the blood circulation towards the brain.

4. Cobra pose

Half moon poss

To perform this yoga pose lie down on your floor or a yoga mat and place your palms beside your chest. Take a deep breath and while you inhale lift your upper torso and slowly balance your upper body weight on your arms. Hold this yoga pose for at least 30 seconds and then release gently. Practising cobra pose increases the mobility of your spinal cord, strengthen your back and improve the functioning of your digestive and respiratory organs.

5. Warrior 2

Warrior Poss 2

Stand straight and spread your legs 3 to 4 feet apart. Now step your right toes forward and turn your left foot inwards at the angle of 45 degrees. Bend yourself over your right knee and extend your arms wider keeping them parallel to the ground. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds and then repeat it with another leg.

This is yet another great pose for stretching your legs. It opens your inner thighs, strengthen your quads, calves and the ankles. This is an energizing yoga pose and if you practice this with focus it stretches your entire body. So it is a great yoga pose to relive yourself after a long plane or bus ride where you had to sit in the same position for an extended period.