

Yoga Poses to Boost the Immune System During Covid

Yoga Poses to Boost the Immune System

As the lockdown lifted and the people have started stepping out of their houses for resuming their work lives. It has become one of the biggest challenges to keep ourself safe from the corona virus. Although the mask, sanitizer and social distancing have become the new normal for us to keep us safe the only thing that can protect us from any virus and infection especially novel corona virus is immunity. Yes, you have heard it right it is our only defence we have against corona virus. We have never talked about the immunity so much till now and to keep our defence system strong what could be better than yoga.

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used by our sages to keep their mind, body and soul in perfect harmony. Practicing yoga allows stimulating our internal organs especially the digestive system and respiratory system. Also, it lowers down the stress level in the body which can have an adverse effect on our immune system. The best part you don’t need any fancy equipment to start, all you need is a good yoga mat. Although yoga in its purest form was practiced in ancient India still there are some yoga school in Rishikesh has kept the tradition of yoga in its purest form and offers various yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh based on traditional yoga. You can also opt for online yoga courses to start your yogic journey.

Now that winter has marked its steps AYM yoga school has come up with 5 best yoga poses to boost your immune system to fight against covid-19.


Stand tall with your feet hips-width apart. Inhale and raise your arms above your head and as you exhale bend your upper torso from the hips and brings your palms to the floor. Bend your knees slightly if you are a beginner and let your head hung and breath. Stay in the pose for 5 to 10 breath and then release.

Forward fold or uttanasana improve the blood circulation towards the head and clear congestion in sinus hence boost immunity.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Lie down on your yoga mat with your feet stretch outwards and arms on your either side of your body. Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your hips and inhale. As you inhale press your feet onto the mat and lift your hips off the floor. Roll your spine and lengthen your tailbone. Take your arms beneath your back and interlock your fingers to give yourself a nice lift. Stay in the pose for few breaths and gently lower your hips.

Bridge pose open thymus which is responsible for the growth of T-cells which is a type of WBC( white blood cells) that helps in fighting infection and responsible for our building our immune system. Apart from that it also lowers stress, anxiety and lower back pain.


Lie down on your yoga mat and place your palms underneath your hips. Breath in and as you inhale lift your head slowly followed by chest afterwards. Slowly lower your head and gently touch your crown on to the floor. Make sure to relax your shoulder and your weight should be on your arms. Stay in the pose for at least two minutes and then release gently.

Matsyasana or fish pose ease the nasal congestion and stimulate the thyroid gland which helps in boosting immunity. It also helps in detoxifying the body.

Cobra pose

Lie down on your belly with your legs stretched outwards. Place the palm underneath the shoulder and breathe in. As you Inhale and press your palm and lift your upper torso, abdomen off the mat and keep your naval onto the floor. Keep your feet firmly rested on the mat as you gaze forward. Hold the pose for 5 to 10 breaths and then release.

Cobra pose opens your lungs and increase its capacity as well as strengthen your spine and boost your immunity.

Viparita Karani

Lie down on your yoga mat in such a way that your sides touch the wall. Now roll over and swing your wall on the floor. If you are feeling little tight in your hamstring put a blanket underneath your lower back. Now close your eyes and breath, stay in the pose as long as you are comfortable and then release.

It is one of the best yoga poses to lower down stress and anxiety. It increases the blood circulation towards the head and revitalizes your whole body.

Take a deep breath and practice these yoga poses for a stronger immune system.