

Yoga asanas to treat PCOS

Effective Yoga asanas to treat PCOS

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disorder that is characterized by multiple cysts inside the ovaries. These cysts are the small sac filled with fluid which is the result of changes in our menstrual cycle. The women who are diagnosed with PCOS or PCOD generally posses increased male hormone and the lower level of progesterone. The most common symptoms of PCOS is excessive hair growth, weight gain, difficulty in conceiving, irregular menstrual cycle, hair loss etc. Although there is no specific cause of PCOS stress with unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise is the major cause of PCOS. Although eliminating stress from life completely is not possible but with the help of yoga we can definitely put a way forward to deal with it.

Yoga for PCOS

The ancient science of yoga is much more effective in alleviating PCOS rather than normal exercise and medication. The practise of yoga asana help in opening of the pelvic area and induce a deeper state of relaxation with the help of breathing exercise of pranayama. Yoga is not just a mere form of exercise that helps in calming your mind and body but it is a lifestyle. Yoga works wonder in curing this hormonal disorder as it brings harmony in between your senses, mind, body and soul. However, certain yoga asana should be done under the guidance of yoga teachers but our certified yoga teachers from the best yoga teacher training school in rishikesh brings you five best yoga poses for curing PCOS at Home.

5 Yoga poses for PCOS treatment at home

All yoga is safe for everyone to practice, but it is imperative to practice yoga under the guidance of a professional yoga teacher. As the yoga asana that puts a lot of pressure on the abdominal area should not be practice by women suffering from PCOS. One can practice these yoga poses under beginner yoga courses. Here are some of the best yoga poses for PCOS.


Sit straight on your yoga mat keeping your spine erect and leg stretched outward in front of you. Bend your knees and bring your feet near your pelvis. Put the soles of your feet together and bring it closer to your genitals. Take a deep inhale and grab your toes with your hands and with the little stress let your knees and thighs fell on the sides like a butterfly. Gently flap your both legs like a butterfly. Do this pose for at least 1 minutes and then return to your normal state.

Baddha konasana or butterfly pose is simple yet a wonderful yoga pose for treating PCOS naturally. It opens your pelvis and induces a deeper relaxation and also relive every discomfort related to menstruation.


Lie down on your belly keeping your arms resting beside you and toes placed flat on the mat. Now bring your elbow near your torso and hands underneath your shoulder. Now with an inhale raise your hands and upper torso off the floor while keeping your naval intact to the floor. Keep your arms straight and try to arch your back as per your comfort. Keep your shoulder away from your ears and breath normally. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds and return back gently.

Cobra pose exerts a soothing pressure on the belly and improves the functioning of ovaries. Also, it is a great stress reliever, aids in digestion and gives a nice stretch to your back.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Sit comfortably in Sukhasana keeping your spine erect and palms on your knees. Now take a deep inhale and exhale forcefully, pulling your navel towards your spine. As you exhale, let the airflow into your lungs and belly effortlessly. Take at least 20 round of Kapal Bhati pranayama and then return to your normal breath. After completion of the round keep your eyes closed and observe every sensation in your body.

Kapalbhati pranayama is considered as a best breathing exercise when it comes to weight management. It is an important practice in shat kriya that remove every toxic air from the body.

Chakki Chalanasana

To practice, this yoga pose sits on the yoga mat keeping your spine erect and legs spread apart. Raise your arms at shoulder height and clasp your palms. Take a deep breath and as you inhale and move your upper body in a circular motion as you are rotating it an imaginary circle. As you move forward inhale and while moving backwards exhale. Take 5-10 round clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Soon you will start feeling the stretch in your arms, groin and abdomens.

This rotating motion improves the functioning of the endocrine gland and facilitates optimum hormonal secretion. It also massages your liver, kidneys, uterus and other reproductive organs.

Prasarita Asana

Stand in tadasana and then widen your legs parallel to each other. Now bend forward while exhaling and lower your body in such a way that your palms touch the floor right underneath your shoulder. Keep your back straight and let your upper body weight rest on your arms. If you are a beginner then you can bend your knees slightly. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds and then release gently.

This yoga poses really helpful for stretching your spine and lower back and leg muscles. It also increases the blood circulation to the ovaries and improves its functioning.