

Does Meditation Make You Feel So Relexed

Why Does Meditation Make You Feel So Relexed

Modern life has become hectic and busier with each passing day, with every day so much to think about. This hectic life has started taking a toll on our health. The mental tension and the physical fatigue drain us all the positive energy from us and leaves us depleted mentally, physically, and emotionally. This is why meditation is essential. Studies have shown that meditation has immense physical and mental benefits. Besides increasing your concentration, meditation can reduce stress and pain, lower your blood pressure and, most importantly, improve your sleep.

Even some health practitioners have advised their practitioners to practice meditation for a few minutes in the day, as it is proven that practising meditation helps manage pain.

What is meditation, and what is the meaning of meditation?

Meditation is when you must pay attention to your body and your breath and cut yourself from the outer world, yet you are fully aware of your surroundings. All you have to do is sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. If you are a beginner, then practising 5 minutes a day is enough for you.

Meditation is a technique that helps you to calm your mind and concentrate on your breath, which results in a more relaxed and rested mental state. People practising meditation for a long time experience self-realization and metaphysical awareness.

How does meditation help you feel rested?

Even though meditation and sleep are both known to provide deep rest and a relaxed feeling to a person, the quality of rest you get from meditation is much deeper than the deepest sleep. We fall asleep easily when we are not stressed with so many thoughts preoccupying our minds. Meditation helps in clearing out every unnecessary thought so that you can go to bed with a clear mind. Hence people who practice meditation usually feel more rested and usually sleepless. According to doctors, the ideal duration of a person should range from six to eight hours a day as sleeping less or more leads to imbalance. It is said that even 15 minutes of a meditation session is equivalent to seven to eight hours of quality sleep; also, it improves the quality of sleep.

Other benefits of meditation

  • Meditation makes you an empath
  • Meditation relieves you from stress and anxiety, and apart from that it has a positive effect on various health conditions like blood pressure, insomnia, etc
  • Increase the blood serotonin level that elevates your mood and induce happiness
  • It induces clarity of thoughts, improves concentration and focus
  • It slows down the aging process
  • It improves your heart health

The techniques of meditation

There are two major meditation techniques, which are:

1. Concentrative Meditation

It is a type of meditation technique in which we train our mind to focus on a single point. In this practice, we cultivate a habit of focus on what is present in front of us in that specific time period. We develop this ability by focusing on our breath and mantra in order to keep our mind relaxed and calm. This is the basic form of meditation in which all you have to do is to sit quietly and shift your entire focus on your breath.

In yoga and meditation, it is believed that there is a direct correlation between your breath and your state of mind. You have noticed that when you are anxious or irritated, your breath becomes irregular or short. You might feel breathlessness at the time. One the other hand, when you are calm and focused, your breath becomes deep, slow, and regular.

2. Mindfulness meditation

In this type of meditation, your consciousness broadens at this moment; your entire focus is on what you are feeling during this entire process of meditation. Like how your breath feels, how your thought flows, and how you let them pass without acknowledging them. It is all about living in the present moment and become a witness of all things, whether your thoughts, worries, feelings, sensation. This meditation type will help you to gain a more rested, relaxed, and calm state of mind.