

The Meaning of Namaste

The Meaning of Namaste - Why Do We Say It in Yoga?

2020 was hard on everyone and it has been anything that none of us has expected. It has taught us that life can be seriously unpredictable and sometimes it leads us through some obstacle that makes it very difficult for us to stay afloat. Now that we have arrived in 2021 it is time to let go of every unnecessary thought, emotions and relationship that gave us stress and anxiety and even though it might be very difficult to stay positive but it is not. Every day has something positive to look out and when we focus on that one thought it will attract more positive thoughts and help you to build a happy and good life for you. Even though you have someday might be harder for you but that one positive thought or attitude will work as an anchor in your life and pull you out when all sort of negative thoughts bombards you.

Here are 7 tips to stay positive:

Take Care of your Emotional Health

Negative thinking accompanies many feelings such as stress, anger and pessimism hence it is very important to take care of your emotional health. The best way to tackle it is to write down your thoughts in a diary. When you write your emotion, it will give you control over it. After writing those thoughts that have been bothering you write down your blessing and even a small positive thing. This will drastically change your attitude and work like a charm for your emotional wellbeing.

Do not try to counter your Negative Emotion

We human tend to oppose everything strongly which seems threatening to us. That is the same with negative thoughts, generally, we try to overcome any negative thought with positive words. We are not saying that it does not work but the outcome is short term. The best measure to tackle this is to do nothing and let it go. When you become silent and observe it. When you simply observe it your thought will loosen their grip on their mind.


The next step of observing your thought is to practice meditation. You can use the powerful practice of meditation to rewire your brain into positive thinking. All you have to do close your eyes and focus on your breath. With regular practice, you will notice changes in your thought process. If you think that meditation is too hard for you then you can enroll 7 day yoga retreat in Rishikesh of AYM yoga school. Here you will learn all the meditation techniques in the best environment.

Take a look at your Habits

Most of us have the habit to find any negative or any sort of flaws in others and stick with it. We are not ready to see that maybe our perception can also be flawed or maybe it has become our habit to find negativity in everything. It is time to take a look at your habit and consciously reverse it. Maybe next time instead of finding negative into something try to look for something to appreciate.

Try Yoga

When we are in the loop of negative thoughts we become sedentary, and the best thing to counter it is to indulge in some form of movement. Yoga is one of the best practices to indulge in when you are looking to have a positive outlook in your life. It improves your blood circulation, stretches and strengthen your muscles, improves your breathing. This help in releasing happy hormones in your body, induce positivity by thwarting negative emotions and thoughts. One can enroll in yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to learn everything about this ancient practice.

Take some time off from social media

One of the most important things to ward off any negativity is to focus on the moment. Most of the time we found ourselves scrolling unnecessarily. On social media, everything is glorified which can further lead you to become more negative and anxious. Instead of mindless scrolling on social media try to focus on the moment and what you can do in it which is worthier for you. Focus on yourself and you will find that you have so much time left which you invest in uplifting yourself and creating a positive atmosphere for yourself.

Be more kind to yourself

More than anything we need to be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves. Whatever you are going through right now never indulge in self-loathing. Allow yourself to process through it, honor yourself more than anything. Indulge in some self-care practice, take a nice hot shower, eat good food and take a long nap and all other things you need to rejuvenate yourself.