

Seven Chakras

Special Poses to open your seven chakras

Special Poses to open your seven chakras

We have our body's seven most important chakras: mooladhara, swadhisthana, Manipura, vishudhi, and. If there is balance in your chakras, energy going into your body will also be balanced. So for an average person, it is essential to balance these chakras by simple posture, which are:

What are Chakras

Word Meaning - Chakra means wheel or circle. In the context of energy chakras, it means specific areas in which energy channels join a particular point in a particular circle, similar to a wheel. Each chakra works like a switch to distribute energy in [particular areas of our body. Chakras are also balanced when our mind is happy, calm and balanced, distributing energy to the nadi and the body. There are thousands of chakras in our body, but there are seven major chakras which are
Short Description of Seven Chakras:

1. Root Chakra - Muladhara Chakra

Root chakra is related to the survival and safety of humans and is closest when related to earth. This chakra is set in the base of or spine. Its colour is red and is naturally associated with the earth. To keep this chakra healthy, one must do jogging, climbing, jumping and dancing exercises. We must work to ensure our safety and that of our family members. And this can be done by balancing our root chakra rightfully.

2. Sacral Chakra - Svadhistana Chakra

This chakra is related to humans' sensuality, sexuality and desire for pleasure. It is situated in the lower abdomen of our body, and its colour is orange. Svadhistana is associated with the element of water. The functioning of this chakra can be enhanced by belly dancing, loving relationships with family and spouse, and yoga. This chakra encourages you to live your passion, whatever it might be. This may include your dreams, how you want to fulfil them and what kind of life you wish to live.

3. Solar Plexus - Manipura Chakra

Your weight should be equally distributed in both legs. To distribute weight equally, press your rear foot into the floor. Lengthen and broaden the soles of both feet and the toes, and do not try to grip the floor with the feet.

4. Heart Chakra - Anahata Chakra

Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra of our body, associated with air. Since being at the centre of our hearts and coloured green, this chakra is related naturally to love and compassion. This chakra helps maintain healthy relationships, family members, and pet animals; and enhances the nature and beauty of a person. This chakra allows the heart's energy to flow in and out freely. It will open you to the love shown by your near and dear ones, and you, in turn, will share selfless love with them.

5. Throat Chakra - Vishuddha Chakra

The throat chakra is the communication centre where a person speaks truth to the world around them. This chakra carries blue colour, and when it reaches the required level of balance, it provides the practitioner to describe their object of desire openly and confidently. This chakra helps the person communicate openly with the world without bothering whether they will get that object. Singing, mantra chanting, and breathing are very helpful in enhancing the power of this chakra.

6. Third Eye Chakra - Ajna Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is considered the chakra of meditation with indigo. This chakra is located between the eyebrows, and thus, its core strengths include intuition, insight, awareness and guidance. This chakra can be maintained in good stead by practising meditation and visualization. It provides inner guidance to the practitioner once the chakra is activated. This helps in decision-making and making all the right choices.

7. Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Chakra

This crown chakra is represented by the never-ending space and the spiritual connection. The color of this chakra is violet and it is used by many reiki practitioners for their work and for meditation.

Yoga Poses to Open Chakras

1. For Mooladhara Chakra

Warrior, Tree-Pose

Any posture which activates the muscles of the groin area is good to open Muladhara chakra. Warrior, Tree Pose, Utthita Parsva Angushthasana.

2. For Swadhisthana Chakra

Chair-pose, Padhastasana

Any pose which stimulates the area between anus and navel is useful for opening Swadhisthana chakra.Chair pose, Padhastasana, Padangusthasana.

3. For Manipura Chakra

Crane pose

All core strengthening poses are very good to open Manipura chakra like Boat pose, Crane pose, Shalbhasana, Puvoittanasana, Paschimottanasana, Tolangulasana, Plank pose, side plank pose, Mayurasana.

4. Anahata Chakra

Camel pose

All back bending poses are good to open the Anahata chakra such Cobra Pose, Ustrasana or Camel pose, Bow pose, Chakrasana or Wheel pose.

5. Vishudhi Chakra

Halasana pose

All neck stretching poses are good to activate the Vishudhi chakra. Halasana or Plough pose, Sarvangasana or Shoulder stand, Matasyasana or Fish pose.

6. Ajana & Sahasradhara Chakra

Head-stand, Arm-balancing-pose

Any posture which activates and nourishes the third eye area is good for Ajana chakra. All inversion poses are good to open Ajana & Saharsdhara chakra like Head stand, Arm balancing.

7. Sahasrara Chakra


Any pose which nourishes the crown area is good for opening this chakra. Along with inversion poses, all types of meditation helps to open up Sahasrara chakra.

See also Yoga Teacher Training in India