

Importance of Yoga

Importance of Yoga

What comes to your mind, when you hear the term 'yoga'?

Is it just a form of physical exercise? Or is there anything more to it?

Come, let's explore yoga and its importance in our everyday life in this blog.

Yoga, the five-thousand-year-old time-tested wisdom, is India's contribution to the world. Yoga is a Sanskrit word that translates to union ('the union of the body and mind'). Yoga comprises various techniques that, when practiced, result in the holistic development of an individual.

The physical stretches and poses in yoga are known as asanas. They are practiced with breath awareness. But make sure to distinguish yoga from just asanas. It is way beyond that. Yoga addresses the emotional and mental well-being of the person through various breathing techniques. Meditation is another integral aspect of yoga that helps in more profound relaxation.

No wonder why so many people across the globe vouch for yoga, isn't it?

Let's see what makes them adopt yoga as a part of their life.

1. Gait Correction and Flexibility:

These days, people suffer from various difficulties associated with poor postures, like back pain (lower and upper), shoulder pain, etc. We see so many of us walking with rounded shoulders. Prolonged hours of sitting in front of a computer, extended usage of mobile phones, etc., cause them. The conditions are aggravated further when these habits are continued without any health intervention.

Yoga poses help in alignment correction and stretching, toning, and strengthening your muscles. The asanas in yoga focus on the correction of postures. It also enhances your body awareness, such that you become more mindful about your habits that are detrimental to your body. Practicing yoga regularly makes you more flexible and improves your physical appearance. After all, who doesn't want to stand tall and look confident, don't you?

2. Stress Management:

Regular practice of yoga empowers you to manage stress better. Cortisol is the stress hormone in the body, and there is a direct link between cortisol reduction and yoga practice. Specific asanas like shavasan (corpse pose) and baal asana (child pose) have a calming effect on the nervous system. With a calm mind, you can focus better and think clearly.

Another point worth noting is its impact on 'the vagus nerve.' The Vagus nerve is a cranial nerve originating from the brain and extending to the abdomen through the neck and chest. The stimulation of the vagus nerve causes a relaxation response in the body. Specific breathing exercises practiced in yoga (ujjayi breath, brahmari pranayama, etc.) stimulate the vagus nerve, and it helps in dealing with stress and anxiety better.

3. Enhanced Immunity:

One of the natural ways to build immunity is by practicing yoga daily. It also helps in the reduction of harmful inflammation within the body. It's found that certain asanas help in the release of white blood cells and thereby improve immunity. Halasana (plow pose), and bhujangasana (cobra pose) are some of the best examples of this. Another asana known as dhanurasana (bow pose) helps the white blood cells to flow better as it puts pressure on the stomach while performing the asana. In matsayasana (fish pose) the thymus gland is stimulated which further improves the immunity. Thus yoga helps us to lead a healthy life by naturally building a strong defense mechanism in the body and keeping the pathogens at bay.

4. Better Cardiovascular Functioning:

It's found in various research that yoga helps mitigate the risk factors of cardiovascular health. Yoga practice helps in balancing the blood pressure and it's also found to be useful in improving the lipid profiles, as well as in managing the blood glucose levels. It reduces your risk for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Many healthcare practitioners recommend yoga along with medication, to help their patients recover faster.

The yogic way of living is gaining popularity across the world. Yoga is not just an exercise, but an experience where you feel your body, mind, and breath are harmoniously united. That's what distinguishes yoga from other physical workouts. It's a safe practice to get rid of day-to-day accumulated negative thoughts and stress, and also to keep the body fit and flexible. So, what are you waiting for?

At AYM Yoga School at Rishikesh, we teach yoga in its authentic form. We welcome you to come and experience it. Namaste.