

Best Yoga Breathing Exercises, Both On and Off Your Mat

Best Yoga Breathing Exercises - Both On and Off Your Mat

Your breath is vital in yoga, and every yoga session starts with powerful breathing exercises. Yoga breathing exercises, also known as pranayama, form the primary part of an effective meditation and relaxation session or specific yoga postures. Nowadays, people lead a stressful and hectic life with raging competition, so most people have resorted to yoga. Yogic breathing exercises sound simple, but working with yogic breath can change your life. The word pranayama is derived from the Sanskrit word that means an extension of your breath or prana in your body.

Most people don’t realize how fast or shallow they are breathing as it is considered something that can be done without thought. However, according to studies, even a single mindful breath directly affects your mind and body. Breathing consciously and mindfully results in oxygenation of the body cells, improves mental and physical clarity, and revitalizes your mood.

Here are some of the best yoga breathing exercises you can practice every day on and off the yoga mat to become more aware of your breath and to know how it affects your breath

Long deep breathing

This is one of the most straightforward yoga breathing exercises one can practice, and it is the first beginner breathing exercise taught in the yoga class. In this, you have to sit on the yoga mat with your spine erect, or you can lie down on your bed and take a deep breath consciously. As you inhale, build your awareness around the contraction and enlargement of the diaphragm while you breathe. At first, you will find it challenging to take a long, deep breath. However, with practice, it will become easy for you.

Alternate nostril breathing

Sit on your yoga mat in the sukhasana pose, keeping your back straight, and place your left hand on your left thigh. Now place your right thumb on your right nostril, take a deep breath from your left nostril, close your left nostril with your ring finger, and then exhale from your right nostril. Then, place your ring finger on your right nostril, inhale from your right nostril, hold it, and exhale from your left nostril. Repeat this breathing exercise a few more times. Alternate nostril breathing is usually done to transfer oxygen on both sides of the brain and to attain a good body balance. It also promotes alertness, creativity and mental clarity.

Alternate nostril breathing

This is regarded as one of the most straightforward yoga breathing exercises to do and is usually the first breathing exercise taught to beginners in a yoga class. You can sit on the yoga mat or the floor or lie down on your bed and practice long, deep, and yogic breathing. It mainly focuses on building an awareness of the contraction and enlargement of the diaphragm during breathing. You may have a little trouble doing the long, deep breathing at first, but once you practice it a few times, it will become easy.

Kapalbhati pranayama

It is also known as skull-shining breath, which is very stimulating. To practice this, you sit in a Sukhasana with your spine straight and hands on your thigh, take a deep, long inhale and then forcefully exhale through your lungs via your nose. Allow the air naturally in your belly as it expands, and then again forcefully exhale. Repeat this exercise 10 times, then return to your normal breathing cycle. The most essential thing about Kapal Bhati pranayama is to inhale passively and then exhale powerfully.

Kapalbahti pranayama increases the blood circulation in our body and removes toxins from our body. It opens our crown chakra, hence very popular in kundalini yoga. Also, this breathing technique is supposed to help you to get rid of tension or stress in the throat and chest and also help to clear mucus from the body.

Bhastrika pranayama

It is also known as a bellow breath or breath of fire. You can practice this pranayama while standing, or if you are a beginner, then sit on your yoga mat, keeping your spine straight and palm resting on your thighs. Take a deep inhale and fill your belly with air. Let your belly swell as you inhale, then exhale forcefully through your nose. Repeat this pattern 10 times and then return to your regular breathing pattern. It is like a cardio workout for your lungs, where you must keep your head, neck, chest and arms still while practising.

Bhastrika pranayama is very invigorating in nature and if you are trying to lose weight then Bhastrika pranayama is best for you as it increases your metabolism and speeds up your digestion. It also helps in getting rid of brain fog.