

Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

When you feel stress, you tend to feel pressure around your neck and shoulder area. Your neck and shoulder are the main areas of the body that tend to accumulate stress as these muscles are very much prone to stress. Moreover, most of the people spent their day hunched over their laptops, a mobile without moving our bodies. So when we hunched over the laptop all day long it leads to tightness in the muscles of the shoulder and neck which eventually lead to pain in the long run. Also if you are thinking that you are the only one who is going through this pain then you are not alone in this.

What exactly causes neck and upper back pain?

Upper back pain and the neck pain is caused due to poor sitting posture and constantly leaning over something that caused our shoulder blades to hunch back from the spinal cord. This leads to overstretching and weakening of the shoulder and neck muscles in the long run. The human body is not made for sitting all day long. Hence sitting all day long weakens the muscles in the long run and if the situation persists, this leads to strains and pains around your neck areas.

Research has shown that when it comes to easing neck and shoulder pain yoga is highly effective. Yoga helps you to find the well-balanced approach of stretching, mobilizing and strengthening the muscles around your neck, upper back and shoulder. It imparts a therapeutic effect on releasing neck and shoulder tension when practiced religiously especially hatha yoga. With the regular practice of these yoga poses helps in releasing the tension around your neck and shoulder areas and it also makes you aware that where exactly you are holding the tension.

Yoga poses to relieve you from neck and shoulder pain:

Thread needle pose:

Start from a tabletop position keeping your wrist underneath your shoulder and knees underneath your hips. Inhale and take your right arm above your head and with an exhale reach your right arm underneath your left arm and lower your right shoulder and ears onto the mat. Try to balance your whole body weight onto your knees and keep them straight. Stay in the pose for 6 to 7 breath and then release gently and repeat it with the other hand.

Thread needle pose opens up the outer muscles of the shoulder and compresses the muscles of the upper chest.

Bow pose:

Lie down on your stomach keeping your arms resting beside you. Bend your knees and take your arms behind your back and grab your ankle. With an inhale and pull your legs up and lift your legs, chest and back off the floor. Fix your gaze in the front and breathe. Stay in the pose for 6 to 8 pose and then release gently.

Bow pose opens your neck and shoulder muscles and helps in strengthening your arms and legs muscles. It also increases the flexibility of your back muscles.

Fish pose:

Lie down on your back keeping your feet together and arms resting beside you. Place your hands under your hips with your palm facing down. Bring your elbows together and as you inhale lift your chest and head off the floor. Lower your head gently and touch your forehead to the floor. Stay in the pose for few breaths and then release from the pose.

Fish pose or matyaasna will relive you from neck and shoulder pain effectively.

Rabbit pose:

Start from the child pose and grab your heels from the hands. Bring your forehead towards your knees keeping your crown on the floor. As you inhale, hold your knees and lift your hips upwards and roll onto the crown of your head and try to keep your forehead as close to your knees.

Hold this pose for at least 4 to 8 breaths and gently release. Also known as sasangasana, this yoga pose lengthen and strengthen your entire spine and also stretches your neck, back, arms muscles. It also helps in releasing the tension from your neck and back muscles.